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Short storytelling movies with early school leavers and students who had attended second chance schools or programmes. Beliefs, imaginations, opinions, stereotypes about early school leavers and student attitudes to their own situation in school can be revealed by talking about the movie.


At this link you can find short (4-6 minutes) storytellings from 8 different countries. There are parallel stories with two young people coming from the same background but one became early school leaver while the other finished his/her studies the ordinary way.

Choose one movie. The films are structured in segments: introduction, my story, my message. Show the movie part by part. After watching a part stop, and facilitate a discussion. Proposed questions:


  • How do you imagine the story of these persons?

My story:

  • What is your story?
  • Do you feel any similarity between you and the actors in the video?
  • What do you enjoy and do not enjoy in your school?
  • What would you change in your school?
  • Why do you attend school?

 My message:

  • What is your dream school like? – Draw it in pairs or small groups (depending on the group size), organize an exhibition and comment the drawings.

Students can prepare their own storytellings. 


User’s guide, equipments:

  • projector
  • laptop
  • loudspeaker
  • internet connection
  • suitable room for showing the movie 

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ESLplus - European Learning Space on Early School Leaving

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