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Person-centred profile

A Person centred profile is a short introduction to a student, which captures key information that gives the team an understanding of the student and how best to support him/her. The profile records specific detailed statements. A student may have more than one profile depending on the purpose of the profile. He/she may have one which identifies what the team needs to know about the student when at home but another for what he/she is doing in his/her spare time etc.

The Person-centred profile typically consists of three questions, but there are also other formats depending on the purpose of the profile. When you would like to know how best to support the student you can make a one-page profile with these questions: 

1. What is important to me? 

Describe what is important to the person that embraces the important people, places, possessions, rituals, routines, faith, culture, interests, hobbies, work etc. which makes the person who he/she is.

2. What others like and admire about me?

What do other people like and admire about the person? This can be collected by asking other people – schoolmates, teachers, parents, etc. – sending them prepared postcards (3 things I like and admire about you) for feedback or collecting these statements on a poster at the beginning of a team meeting in a circle of support.

3. How the best support to me?

It is very important to collect specific statements on how best to support the student. What kind of support is really helpful for him/her? What does the person want and need? What kind of support is good to use.

You can use this three question formats as a tool during a discussion with the student and answer them together. Or you can give him/her to fill them alone. Or you can also use it during a group discussion with schoolmates.

Teams can use this profile to inform each other what is important for them about their work, to exchange what they like and admire about each other in the team and how to best support a member.

User’s guide, equipment:

  • Profile format

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ESLplus - European Learning Space on Early School Leaving

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