The EFFeCT project is coordinated by the Knowledge Centre of the Tempus Public Foundation and will be carried out with the participation of six countries: Finland, Latvia, the Czech Republic, the UK, Ireland and Hungary. The main goal of the international collaboration is to develop a European methodological framework which aims to facilitate collaborative learning of teachers and seeks to provide a guideline for policymakers and other educational stakeholders.

European Methodological Framework for Facilitating Teachers’ Collaborative learning - EFFeCT

Erasmus+ KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Projects

The duration of the project: 01/11/2015. - 30/04/2018.

Total budget of the project: 499.902 €


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1st newsletter


This newsletter informs you of the EFFeCT Consortium's project on collaborative teacher learning (CTL) and related actualities. In the first issue we introduce the relevance of the project and the main goal of the project that partners intend to achieve. We hope that you can learn more about the project's ongoing work on the collaborative teacher learning through the series of newsletter and we can greet you as the regular reader of EFFeCT news.

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