CroCooS research reports

The project identified elements of an institutional early warning system (EWS) and tested its applicability in national context. The pilot schools were supported by mentors in building EWS teams, monitoring distress signals, protocols of intervention on school level, using personal development plan and cross-sectoral cooperation.

The main project outcomes

Final Report on CroCooS

The Final Report on CroCooS summarises the theoretical background of the project and the policy experimentation, the results of the implementation of the pilot process and a massive analysis of the evaluation findings. The Final  Report contains the detailed  policy   recommendations and the institutionalization model of an early warning sytem.

Country reports

As part of the research work packages the structure of country reports was developed that makes it possible to compare each pilot countries’ educational system in terms of tackling school dropout. Country reports was prepared by each pilot country and are available in English.


 Background research 

Background research was carried out to provide inputs to the design and realization of the pilot. As part of this work a research plan, a list of resources, interview guides  and online questionnaires were developed.  Summary of research results was published focusing on the early distress signal related practice of countries suggested for study visit.

Desk research report

Due study visits and desk research a comprehensible and coherent picture was formed about European examples of early warning systems and well-functioning best practices which were summarised a report on 6 European countries practices. 

Descriptive results of international questionnaires among teachers and outside of the school professionals

In the first part of the project questionnaires were designed for teachers in the pilot countries and non-school professionals in Hungary and Serbia. In addition in Hungary a large scale representative survey was conducted, while in the other countries small scale, non-representative surveys were prepared spread through the network of partner organizations. Regarding associated partners involvement interviews were conducted, furthermore a focus group discussion was realized with the involvement of Hungarian parents. The descriptive results of international questionnaires among teachers and outside of the school professionals report are available clicking on the picture.

External evaluation reports of the CroCooS project

The final report of the external experts served as the  ex-post evaluation   of the project,   reflect  on  the activities, achievement and project  outcomes.

ESLplus - European Learning Space on Early School Leaving

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