The systemic operation of an EWS needs periodic revision. In any case the evaluation of the system should involve the complete overseeing of the activities since the last revision or the start.
We should revisit the institutional level by looking at the aims and philosophy, shared values of the school. Generally speaking it is not healthy to change long term strategic aims, philosophy or values annually in an organization but schooling being extremely subject to political changes this may be necessary. It is, however, advised to adjust and not fully change strategic thinking because it provides the feeling of safety to staff and students.
We emphasize it again that adjustments are better than abrupt changes. Even if something does not work well the changes should be done by implementing a sequence of adjustments rather than throwing out completely what has been done so far and introduce something different (which may also be unsuccessful).
Most importantly at the end of each intervention a reflection is needed. In the reflective phase the EWS team should oversee what was done well and effectively and what should be done differently next time. Evaluation should always point into the future as sentences that contain what should have been done start a bad communication cycle which tends to find scapegoats and leads the staff to blame each other by trying to find out whose fault was it. We cannot change the past but we can plan our actions to be taken in the future.
By finishing the cycle with a full reflection on the EWS and its details a new and improved cycle could start. This provides the sustainability of the system introduced.
This is a step where the work of teachers with students may rise to an institutional level. If a teacher has success with a student and it seems to be applicable for others then it is not only an opportunity but an obligation for a school leader to institutionalize the good practice.
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